Friday, September 25, 2009

Just Two Of the Letters

Hey Everyone! for those who didn't come to the meeting on saturday morning *looks meanacingly at pretty much every veteran* We did some brain storming and came up with great ideas and plans and all around awesome. SOOO!! Saturday September 26th 7:00 PM MST at the Scream Asylum... MANDATORY meeting. This means you MUST be there if you want to work there! Please bring with you 2 forms of ID, this means ONE picture ID and either your birth certificate or Social Security Card. Even if you were here last year, we need you to bring that stuff. Also, please bring your schedules, when you need time off, when you want to work, so on and so forth, we will try to work with everyones schedule, but there will be stipulations that will be explained at the meeting. PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEEASE bring your friends... we have a MUCH bigger house this year, and we need lots of happy/scary fun people to run it! We're gonna be walking through the house and explaining what is done in each room. Bring a notebook along so you can write down what you would most like to do! It helps with scheduling so we aren't just throwing people into rooms. But yes! If you have any questions, please ask! the reason the staff is here is to help and keep everyone informed! So let me know and i can get the information to who it needs to get to! If you have suggestions for rooms/types of costumes please write them in the discussion Eric started! You are all super fantabulous! Have a great week and yeah... HOORAY!!

Ok, its almost time for Scream Asylum to open it's creaky doors for another season! If you are excited about scareing and want to join the rest of us weirdos listen up. Our big cast meeting is this Saturday, 7pm at the Scream Asylum. This meeting is mandatory if you want to be apart of the cast this season. So, if you cannot attend I need to know ASAP. In this meeting we will be going over all the wonderful and exciting things you need to know such as; what we will expect from you this year, how we will work schedules and of course how you can be compensated for your scariness...So if you want to join us, you need to come. With yourselves you need to bring 2 forms of id (driver's license and SS card or a birth certificate) AND a photocopy of these id's. Also, I will need to know the days you are available to work. We will also be looking at all the wonderful new things happening at the haunted house. Any questions please ask them.....Thanks
Dean K. 801.356.1583 or or via facebook